What is Healthy Bites?

Our Healthy Bites series provides bite-sized advice for adults aged 50 plus on a range of topics related to healthy ageing.

Each episode is around 60 to 90 seconds long and includes practical tips from a health professional that you can use in your daily life.

Topics range from how you can improve your strength and balance, and nutrition and fluid intake, to selecting the right footwear to stay on your feet, and how you can help your eyesight with simple changes around the home.

A large group of fit and active people doing exercise in nature, stretching.


Strength and balance

Episode 1: What changes with balance as we age? Listen | Read

Episode 2: Why should I do balance exercises? Listen | Read

Episode 3: How can I practise balance? Listen | Read


Episode 4: Malnutrition Listen | Read

Episode 5: Appetite Listen | Read

Episode 6: Protein Listen | Read

Episode 7 Calcium and dairy Listen | Read

Episode 8: Fluids Listen | Read


Episode 9: Life beyond a dementia diagnosis Listen | Read

Feet and footwear

Episode 10: Can a podiatrist help with my balance? Listen | Read

Episode 11: What happens to my feet as I get older? Listen | Read

Episode 12: Are my shoes causing me to fall? Listen | Read

Episode 13: How do I pick a good shoe? Listen | Read

Episode 14: When should I see a podiatrist? Listen | Read

Episode 15: What do feet have to do with losing balance? Listen | Read


Episode 16: Preventing falls Listen | Read

Episode 17: Physiotherapy and falls Listen | Read

Episode 40: Preventing falls – home safety Listen | Read

Episode 41: Preventing falls – exercise Listen | Read

Episode 42: Preventing falls – eyes and ears Listen | Read

Physical activity and exercise

Episode 18: Exercise and community groups Listen | Read

Episode 33: Getting more physical activity into your day Listen | Read

Episode 35: Find an exercise program Listen | Read

Episode 36: Stepping On Listen | Read


Episode 19: How looking after your eyes can reduce risk of falls Listen | Read

Episode 20: Reduced light on the retina Listen | Read

Episode 21: Cataracts Listen | Read

Episode 22: Contrast Listen | Read

Setting goals

Episode 23: SMART goals – specific Listen | Read

Episode 24: SMART goals – measurable Listen | Read

Episode 25: SMART goals – achievable Listen | Read

Episode 26: SMART goals – realistic Listen | Read

Episode 27: SMART goals – timed Listen | Read


Episode 28: Medication safety Listen | Read

Episode 29: Home medication review Listen | Read

Episode 30: Medications list Listen | Read

Episode 31: Home medicines list Listen | Read

Episode 32: Taking multiple medications Listen | Read

Online support

Episode 34: Healthy Ageing Online Learning Listen | Read

Staying well

Episode 37: Influenza vaccination Listen | Read

Episode 38: Staying well while on holiday Listen | Read


Episode 39: Making decisions Listen | Read

Suggest a topic

If there is a topic you would like to see us to cover in our Healthy Bites series, let us know!

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