About the Get Healthy Service

The Get Healthy Information and Coaching Service is a free, phone-based coaching service from NSW Health that helps people aged 16 and over make positive lifestyle changes.

Qualified health coaches will work with you as a team, providing practical tools and supporting you to set achievable goals, make a plan (starting with small steps) and overcome barriers that stand in your way. They will be with you every step of the way on your journey and celebrate your successes with you.

An older woman smiling while she holds a small dumbbell weight to the camera.
A black man smiling while talking on a mobile phone at home.

Get Healthy is designed to fit in with your life, so services are provided via phone, email, text, and online – all at a time that suits you. Coaches are ready to support you to:

A pictogram of an apple.

eat healthy

A pictogram of a running shoe.

get active

A pictogram of a weighing scale.

reach and stay at a healthy weight

A pictogram of a bottle and glass of wine.

reduce the amount of alcohol you drink

A pictogram of a pregnant person.

gain a healthy amount of weight in pregnancy

An pictogram showing information on a screen of some kind.

manage your health while living with type 2 diabetes or cancer

Register online or call 1300 806 258 Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm, and Saturday, 9am to 5pm, to start your health journey today.

Success stories

Watch these short videos about how the Get Healthy Service has supported people with their individual health goals.

Roger’s story

Christine’s story

Parminder’s story

Laurel’s story

Ian’s story

Rebecca’s story

Elizabeth’s story

Joe’s story

A pregnant lady throwing some vegetables into a wok.

How it works

  • Your own university-qualified health coach
  • Motivation and support to set health goals that are important to you
  • Up to 6 or more confidential coaching calls – all at a time that suits you
  • Emails and texts to encourage you and remind you about appointments
  • Information about your personal health concerns
  • Support to help you track your goals and actions
  • Support to overcome anything stopping you reaching your goals
  • Option to book coaching sessions online
  • Option to re-enrol for more coaching once you complete the program

What programs are available?

The Get Healthy Service is completely free and tailored to your needs. There is a standard program and a version for pregnant women. Find out more about the programs below.

Health Coaching

Get Healthy in Pregnancy

Get Healthy is also available in languages other than English. Free interpreter services are available.

An adult man and woman running in a leafly woodland.

Get Healthy guides

Get Healthy has a number of handy guides with tools and tips to help you get healthier. Click on the links below to read them.

How do I register?

Register online or call 1300 806 258 Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm, and Saturday, 9am to 5pm, to start your health journey today.

How do I promote it?

Download and print these resources to promote the program to friends, family, colleagues, clients and patients.

For more resources, including Aboriginal and translated resources, and for bulk hardcopy orders, visit the free resources page on the Get Healthy website.

Get-Healthy-Service 2025 Health Goals Promotiona lToolkit

2025 Health Goals campaign

The start of the year is a time when many of us set new year’s resolutions to be more active and eat healthier.

But we know forming new habits can be tough, especially at the start, and with kids returning to school and the holidays over, now is the time when people might be slipping back into their usual routines. As life gets in the way, it can be hard to find energy and enthusiasm for those resolutions.

The 2025 Health Goals campaign aims to raise awareness of how the Get Healthy Service can help people to set and stick to their health goals through the support of their own free personal health coach.

The campaign Promotional Toolkit provides several assets that can be used to promote the service to friends, family, colleagues, clients and patients.

Refer your patients

If you are a health professional, there are a few ways you can refer your patients to the Get Healthy Service.

For more information, visit Health Professionals – Get Healthy NSW.

A health practitioner at his desk smiling while talking on the phone.

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