Health Promotion Strategy

Our Health Promotion Strategy sets out the ways in which we will address population health issues and priority areas over the next few years in order to improve the health and wellbeing of people living on the Central Coast. It outlines our objectives, key actions and measures of success against each priority area.

Read more about our work in our Health Promotion Strategy 2018–2023.

Year in Review

Our annual Health Promotion Action: Year in Review document takes a look back at the major programs and projects we have worked during the financial year.

The reviews highlight our community partners who we work with to deliver health promotion activity on the Coast. More recent editions have also featured health promotion activity delivered by other services across Central Coast Local Health District.

Two members of the Central Coast Health Promotion team smiling arm in arm while at an event with balloons in the background.

Each review has a theme running throughout. The theme for our 2023–24 review is ‘Preventive health – making healthcare sustainable into the future’, looking at the many long-term benefits keeping people healthy can have for our community. You can download an interactive digital version of the document below.

Research papers and journal articles

Below are our most recent research papers and journal articles.

Barnes C, Sutherland R, Jones G, Kingon N, NCOIS Research Collaborative, Wolfenden L (2023) Development and piloting of a Community of Practice to support learning and improvement in health promotion practice within NSW local health districts. Public Health Research and Practice, 33(3)

Kajons N, Gowland-Ella J, Batchelor S, Kingon N, David, M (2023). Thirsty? Choose Water! A regional perspective to promoting water consumption in secondary school students. Public Health Nutrition, 1–13

Bartman H, Bauer L, Kajons N, Batchelor S, Juel K (2023). A monitoring and site visit intervention to reduce sales to minors at packaged liquor outlets. Health Promotion Journal of Australia

Crosland P, Angeles MR, Ananthapavan J (2022). The economic costs of alcohol-related harms in New South Wales: Development of an interactive costing tool. The Australian Prevention Centre Partnership

Giles L, Bauer L, Batchelor S (2022). Assessing the responses of smokers to requests to stop smoking on hospital grounds. Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 33(2), 435–444

Gowland-Ella J, Kajons N, David M, Lewis P, Louis D, Trinh K, Kingon N, Batchelor S (2021). Thirsty? Choose Water! Encouraging Secondary School Students to choose water over sugary drinks. A descriptive analysis of intervention components. Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 33(1), 202–215

Giles L, Bauer L (2020) Supporting visitor compliance with a smoke‐free policy at hospital using a nicotine replacement therapy vending machine. Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 32(3) 378–382

Giles L, Bauer L (2019). Working towards a tobacco-free Aboriginal community through an arts-based intervention. Australian Indigenous HealthBulletin, 19(4)

Giles L, Bauer L (2020). Implementing and enforcing a smoke‐free policy and by‐law on hospital grounds at Central Coast Local Health District. Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 31(1), 128–132

More information

We hope you enjoy reading about our work. If would like to find out more about any of our projects or programs, please get in touch.

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