Audience: Early childhood teachers and educators Category: Munch & Move (0–5 years), Move (active play) Type: Activities and games Play with me! Fun moves for 0 to 3 years Activities and games as they grow, from floor play to tummy time, and from crawling to running and jumping. Download
Audience: Early childhood teachers and educators Category: Munch & Move (0–5 years), Move (active play) Type: Activities and games Simple, fun ways to get children active each day Suggestions to encourage children to be active in their daily environment. Download
Audience: Early childhood teachers and educators Category: Munch & Move (0–5 years), Making It Happen Type: Guidelines, manuals and policies Implementing the Child Safe Standards: A guide for early childhood education and outside school hours care services Practical strategies and tips to consider when implementing the Standards. Download
Audience: Early childhood teachers and educators Category: Munch & Move (0–5 years), Move (active play) Type: Activities and games Physical Activity for Babies and Toddlers Includes floor-based play, activities as they start to move and activities to develop fundamental movement skills. Download