Audience: Early childhood teachers and educators Category: Munch & Move (0–5 years), Move (active play) Type: Activities and games What FMS am I? quiz Use this PowerPoint presentation where you have to guess the fundamental movement skill from the images. Download
Audience: Early childhood teachers and educators Category: Munch & Move (0–5 years), Move (active play) Type: Activities and games Mini Moves Activity Pack Pack of 36 activity cards to encourage fundamental movement skills. Developed by Northern Sydney Local Health District. Visit
Audience: Early childhood teachers and educators Category: Munch & Move (0–5 years), Move (active play) Type: Activities and games Equipment to Enhance Activity Play List of equipment suggestions, using every day and/or sustainable items that support active play both indoors and outdoors. Download
Audience: Early childhood teachers and educators Category: Munch & Move (0–5 years), Move (active play) Type: Activities and games Play with me! Fun moves for 0 to 3 years Activities and games as they grow, from floor play to tummy time, and from crawling to running and jumping. Download
Audience: Early childhood teachers and educators Category: Munch & Move (0–5 years), Move (active play) Type: Activities and games Simple, fun ways to get children active each day Suggestions to encourage children to be active in their daily environment. Download