Audience: Primary school teachers, Early childhood teachers and educators Category: Munch & Move (0–5 years), Move (active play), Physical Activity, Live Life Well @ School (5–12 years) Type: Activities and games Fundamental movement skills activity cards Download and print a set of 12 FMS activity cards with skill component teaching points and teacher cues. Visit
Audience: Early childhood teachers and educators Category: Munch & Move (0–5 years), Transition to School (4–6 years), Move (active play), Physical Activity Type: Activities and games Jack’s FUNtastic Day Early Childhood Resource Book Educator resource to promote active play and reduce screen time, including game and activity ideas. Download
Audience: Early childhood teachers and educators Category: Munch & Move (0–5 years), Transition to School (4–6 years), Move (active play), Physical Activity Type: Activities and games Jack’s FUNtastic Day activity cards 22 activity cards demonstrating the games and activities that Jack and Ruby play in the story. Download
Audience: Early childhood teachers and educators Category: Munch & Move (0–5 years), Move (active play), Making It Happen Type: Activities and games Active Play Audit Tool Assists early childhood services to increase opportunities for active play and meet the National Quality Standard. Download
Audience: Early childhood teachers and educators Category: Munch & Move (0–5 years), Move (active play), Making It Happen Type: Activities and games Active Play Audit Tool – editable Editable version of the audit tool that assists early childhood services to increase opportunities for active play. Download
Audience: Early childhood teachers and educators Category: Munch & Move (0–5 years), Move (active play) Type: Activities and games FMS with Franky and Friends: A fundamental movement skills resource for pre-schoolers 3–5 years Games for children aged 3–5 that encourage fundamental movement skills. Download
Audience: Early childhood teachers and educators Category: Munch & Move (0–5 years), Move (active play) Type: Activities and games Physical Activity for Babies and Toddlers Includes floor-based play, activities as they start to move and activities to develop fundamental movement skills. Download
Audience: Early childhood teachers and educators Category: Munch & Move (0–5 years), Move (active play) Type: Activities and games Fundamental Movement Skills in Action: FMS for 3–5 year olds Images displaying all 13 fundamental movement skills and ideas to incorporate each into games. Download
Audience: Early childhood teachers and educators Category: Munch & Move (0–5 years), Move (active play) Type: Activities and games What FMS am I? quiz Use this PowerPoint presentation where you have to guess the fundamental movement skill from the images. Download
Audience: Early childhood teachers and educators Category: Munch & Move (0–5 years), Move (active play) Type: Activities and games Mini Moves Activity Pack Pack of 36 activity cards to encourage fundamental movement skills. Developed by Northern Sydney Local Health District. Visit