Spring has sprung, with the Central Coast enjoying some fine weather of late. No more cold mornings makes it more inviting to get out of bed and exerc...
In honour of World Bicycle Day, Nigel Tebb, health promotion officer at Central Coast Health, celebrates the trusty bicycle and looks at how we can he...
Central Coast Local Health District’s director of public health, Dr Kat Taylor, and director of health promotion and population health improvement, ...
Sophie Roberts, a public health community nutritionist at Central Coast Local Health District, provides some quick tips that will help us fill our pla...
For many in Australia stay-at-home orders resulted in the adoption of hybrid lifestyles and disruption of usual eating routines. But has a new flexibl...
Next month marks April Falls, a campaign that aims to raise awareness of falls prevention to help those at risk of falling stay on their feet. This ye...