Central Coast Health Promotion Service has launched the Thirsty? Choose Water! Challenge, offering secondary schools on the Central Coast a chance to win one of two chilled water stations worth $4,500 each.
All schools need to do to win is engage in a week of activities that promote water as the drink of choice to students and their community. Schools are asked to participate in one activity per day for five days between Monday 29 April to Friday 24 May (week 1–4, term 2), with activities needing to be made up of a mixture of education-, environment- and partnership-related activities.
Evidence will need to be submitted by 5pm on Friday 24 May, with two winning schools announced on Tuesday 29 May.
The Thirsty? Choose Water! campaign aims to promote water as a drink of choice to students and reduce intake of sugary drinks.
Thirsty? Choose Water! started as a research pilot on the Central Coast and has now been implemented in 85 secondary schools, spanning five health districts across NSW. It is now a public-facing campaign, with materials tested as part of the research available to all secondary schools. Materials aimed at younger children are also currently being piloted in primary schools in five health districts across NSW.
For more information about the Challenge, read the Thirsty? Choose Water! Challenge Information Pack.
You can register your school to take part here.